Light of the world


Light of the world



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Catholic Graduates (CG), formerly Nigeria Federation of Catholic Students-(NFCS) Alumni was birthed following the profuse family love that existed between members (especially officers) of Nigerian Federation of Catholic Students (NFCS) Provincial Executive Council-PEC from the various higher institutions within the Owerri Ecclesiastical province.   With the support of the first and second Chaplains of NFCS Owerri Ecclesiastical Province, Rev. Fr. Joseph Ejimofor and Rev. Fr. Prof. Mike Ukah, respectively, the occasion of the send-forth organised by the then Provincial Executive Council members (1998-2000) led by Bro Chigozie Onwukwe in honour of the first Provincial Executive Council-PEC members (1996-1998) of NFCS - Owerri Province led by Bro McDonald Ofurum respectively, on the 8th of August 1998, at Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, provided a launching pad to propagate the idea and desire to continue as NFCS ALUMNI as unanimously agreed by the out-going PEC and graduating NFCS members....Read more

Catholic Graduates : Light of the world

...This marked the beginning of the body-CATHOLIC GRADUATES-CG (NFCS ALUMNI) Owerri Province, a name that was subsequently suggested by Bro McDonald Ofurum and generally adopted by all. ...


.....With this solid agreement, some members of the out-going PEC worked all through the 8th August 1998, to give flesh to this idea in terms of organizational structure, membership requirements and other key issues like name, vision and purpose of the proposed NFCS Alumni. This was very critical because the inauguration of the new NFCS Alumni members and Exco was set for the next day, Sunday, 9th August 1998. Selecting the pioneer executive of the new body was the toughest conversation of the day as Bro McDonald Ofurum who had played prominent roles in the formation of NFCS Alumni declined to continue to lead after graduation. Among the graduating members present at this auspicious meeting were Bro. McDonald Chukwubuikem Ofurum, Bro Chinedu Ogbuji, Bro Chimobi Nwoke, Bro Eustace Toochi Ohaji, Bro Sixtus Nwaneri, Sister Thecla Onyeanya, Bro Ikenna Affam, Bro Jude Anyanwu (Now Rev Fr. Dr. Jude Anyanwu) and few others who breezed in and out during the discussions. In the spirit of God and Catholic love, Bro Chinedu Ogbuji was selected and after much prompting accepted to lead the organization as its pioneer President. The other pioneer officers were Late Sister Chinwe Onyenagada (Vice President), Bro. Chimobi Nwoke (General Secretary), Bro Eustace Toochi Ohaji (Assistant Secretary). Bro. McDonald Ofurum (Financial Secretary) and Sister Thecla Onyeanya (Treasurer). These officers and others in the graduating class of NFCS present at the send – forth Mass celebrated by Fr. Hilary Diachelem (Now Bishop of Bauchi Diocese) the next day, were inaugurated, commissioned, inducted and charged with the responsibility of nurturing the growth and development of this young association. This marked the beginning of the body-CATHOLIC GRADUATES-CG (NFCS ALUMNI) Owerri Province, a name that was subsequently suggested by Bro McDonald Ofurum and generally adopted by all.


One must not fail to point out that the moment CG was born, the then Archbishop of Owerri, His Grace Most Rev. Dr. AJV Obinna and our Pioneer Chaplain, Rev Fr. Dr. Jude Ike gave us ample invaluable support to skyrocket the growth of CG. Bro. McDonald Ofurum who often interfaced between CG and the then Archbishop was equally very instrumental to the growth and development of CG. Due to the untiring efforts of Bro McDonald, the Archbishop then often jokingly referred to us as ndi otu McDonald; anytime we were opportune to have audience with him. As a way of ensuring sustainability, it was agreed by members that an annual Reunion, General meeting and Dinner be held every 2nd weekend of August. The early years of CG Annual Re-union, General Meeting and Dinner was championed by Bro. McDonald C. Ofurum and Bro Eustace Toochi Ohaji with support from the then Exco led by Bro Chinedu Ogbuji. Pioneering the growth and development of CG was not an easy task as the National Youth Service Corp program and search for greener pastures scattered the pioneer members to different parts of the country. The absence or at best, paucity of effective internet enabled mobile communication did not make it any easier. The foundation members of CG thought out the following subsisting aim and objectives as guiding principles and core values. AIM AND OBJECTIVES: The aim and objectives of the Association are;
i) To unite all Catholic Graduates of Owerri Ecclesiastical Province
ii) To enrich the faith of its members through its various activities
iii)To help its members understand more deeply the beliefs, teachings and, practices of the Catholic Church and to correct any misconceptions there from
iv) To help its unemployed members secure jobs
v) To help members live more practical Christian lives thus being the light in their environment
vi) To build an Information Resource Centre (IRC) in the Owerri Ecclesiastical Province when the need arises.
vii) To ensure that each chapter of NFCS forms her own Alumni (CG)
viii) To help the alleviation of the sufferings of the less privileged people in the society.
Membership of CG was also proposed and later adopted in the constitution to be open to all Catholic Graduates subscribing to Owerri Ecclesiastical Province irrespective of age. The definition of “Graduates” includes all Catholics that have concluded their degree, diploma or certificate programmes of study in a recognized higher institution in Nigeria including but not limited to Colleges of Technology, Schools of Nursing, Colleges of Education, Polytechnics; Universities and Senior seminaries.

Membership of CG was also proposed and later adopted in the constitution to be open to all Catholic Graduates subscribing to Owerri Ecclesiastical Province irrespective of age. The definition of “Graduates” includes all Catholics that have concluded their degree, diploma or certificate programmes of study in a recognized higher institution in Nigeria including but not limited to Colleges of Technology, Schools of Nursing, Colleges of Education, Polytechnics; Universities and Senior seminaries. Over the years, CG has grown and supported its members, NFCS, the Church and the society in different aspects and will continue to do so. His Grace, Most Rev. Dr. AJV Obinna, the then Archbishop and Metropolitan of Owerri Ecclesiastical Province further manifested his unflinching support to CG by appointing in succession the first three Chaplains of CG namely, Rev. Fr. Dr. Jude Ike, Rev. Fr. Ignatius Nze, and Rev Fr. Dr. Stephen Egwim respectively. Rev. Fr. Dr. Kingsley Ekeocha is the current CG Provincial Chaplain. The first grand patron of CG was Justice Chukwudifu Oputa (RIP). In 2008, CG celebrated its 10 years of existence. This celebration was very symbolic as it marked a peaceful transition from the pioneer executive led by Bro Chinedu Ogbuji to a new executive led by Bro Henry Ogu as president. In the past 25 years, CG has held its Annual Re-union, General Meeting and Dinner which has also helped to strengthen relationships, partnerships and support to its members, NFCS, the Church and society. Moreso, CG has fully established its presence across some other Dioceses including Aba, Umuahia and Enugu. Bro. Charles Chigozie Onwukwe and Sister Nkiru Ogbonna (Nee Nnadozie) were instrumental to the establishment of CG Aba Diocese with other members like Bro Shiwobi Obinna, Bro Ikenna Okoroafor, Bro Peter Ekenachi etc who played prominent roles at the early years of CG Aba. That same spirit of CG and the relocation circumstances to Umuahia helped Sister Nkiru Ogbonna (Nee Nnadozie) and Brother Aloysius Adibe to form CG Umuahia with others. Attempts to establish CG in Okigwe, Ahiara and Orlu dioceses did not yield commensurate fruits but nevertheless we shall continue to push to extend the frontiers of CG.


The major activities of CG over the years have reflected its objectives. These activities are categorised under provincial and diocesan/chapter level activities. At the provincial level, the pilot activity is the Annual Reunion/General Meeting/Dinner that holds every second weekend in August. Since inception, CG has only missed to hold this epoch activity in the year 2020(due to Covid 19 Pandemic) and 2022.

The following are the themes of the various annual lectures with the corresponding guest speakers;
1999 Rich in God Mr. Ifeanyi Lebechi
2000 God's will Rev. Fr. Dr. Jude Ike
2001 Path to success Prof. Jude Njoku
2002 Leadership challenges ahead Rt. Hon. Justice C. Oputa (Late)
2003 Building to Greatness Prof. Nolue Emenanjo
2004 Harnessing your potentials Prof. Gabriella Nwaozuzu
2005 Catholics and professionalism Prof. Gab. Umezuruike (Late)
2006 Seizing opportunities Dr. Eddie Iroh
2007 Rekindling the light Rev. Fr. Dr. I. M. Osuagwu
2008 New beginning Rev. Fr. Kelechi Anyanwu
2009 Overcoming limitations Prof. Mrs. Viola Onwuliri
2010 Impacting the world Prof. Greg Nwizu
2011 Sustaining the legacy Rev. Fr. (Prof) Jerome Okonkwo
2012 Catholicism in insecurity Prof. A. M. Okere
2013 Catholicism in politics Bishop Calistus Onaga
2014 Catholicism and bioethics Dr. Philip Njemanze
2015 Catholics and entrepreneurship Mr. Ide J. U. Udeagbala
2016 Dynamism of mercy Rev. Fr. N. Izuagba
2017 Midlife crisis management Prof. Mrs Gladys Ahaneku
2018 Catholic conscience and political voting Rev. Fr. Dr. I. M. Osuagwu
2019 Catholic graduate working in solidarity with the church Rev. Fr. John Obilor
2021 Maintaining security at a time of persistent insecurity Very Rev. Msgr. Innocent Osuagwu

Other activities at the provincial level include the first Saturday of the year Stakeholders meeting, executive committee meetings etc. At the diocesan/chapter level, there are usually monthly general meetings, special business meetings, valentine luncheon and easter retreats etc. Other activities may be scheduled as events demanded. On the part of projects, CG has not faired badly especially in recent times. Even though the Information Resource Center- IRC project was earmarked from inception, it has not really been easy to actualise due to financial and time constraints. This is why this Silver Jubilee celebration is targeted at raising funds to fully embark on the INFOTECH RESOURCE AND ENTERPRENEUSHIP CENTER-IRC project. This notwithstanding, CG as a body was able to register a cooperative society with the Registrar of Cooperatives in Owerri Municipal named- Ihe Nke Uwa (Owerri Municipal) Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society. The membership of this Cooperative Society was instrumental in achieving a major milestone in terms of project by establishing the CG Land/Housing Estate Project which acquired parcels of land from some kindreds in Oforola Community to grant CG and non-CG members cheap access to landed properties for housing and commercial purposes. Details of this project are contained in the Land Committee report.


The association being a Church body made up of professionals in different fields and situated in the Catholic church recognises the supremacy of the mother Church. Borrowing from this, the Archbishop of Owerri Archdiocese appoints a Provincial Chaplain with the authority to provide both spiritual and administrative leadership and control. This notwithstanding, most chaplains in the past had chosen to allow individual members of CG exercise their democratic franchise in choosing their leaders over the years and, this has worked very well for the association. The highest decision-making body of CG is the General Meeting presided over by the Provincial president. Other arms of CG are the Board of Trustees (BOT) with pioneer Provincial President as Chairman, The Provincial Executive Committee (PEC), the Diocesan/Chapter General Meeting and the Diocesan/Chapter Executive Committee.

SN Name Position Date
1 Bro. Chinedu N. Ogbuji Provincial President 1998 – 2007
2 Bro. Eustace Toochi Ohaji General Secretary 1998 – 2007
3 Bro. Henry Ogu Provincial President 2007 – 2011
4 Bro. Andy Osuagwu General Secretary 2007 – 2011
5 Sis. Slyvia Onyinyechukwu Anyadoh-Nwadike Provincial President 2011 – 2017
6 Sis. Anthonia Ogbonna General Secretary 2011 – 2014
7 Modestus Tochukwu Opara General Secretary 2014 – 2017
8 Bro. Uche Ohiagu (RIP) Provincial President 2017 -Jan. 2019
9 Bro. Andy Chima Osuagwu Ag. Provincial President January -August 2019
10 Bro. Regis Nwogu President 2019 – Date
11 Sis. Nnenna Charles Chigozie General Secretary 2017 – Date

CG Presidents and Secretaries:


Compiled by:
1. Bro. Chinedu Ogbuji
2. Bro. Eustace Toochi Ohaji
3. Bro. McDonald Ofurum
4. Bro. Chigozie Onwukwe
5. Sis. Sylvia Anyadoh Nwadike
Witnessed by:
• Rev. Fr. Dr. Kingsley Ekeocha - (CG Provincial Chaplain)
• Rev. Fr. Dr. Jude Anyanwu (SDV)- CG Foundation Member.
Dated, 11th August 2023.